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Making your own sundials

This section of the website is a collection of resources to help you make your own sundials. These don't have to be complicated or expensive - you can make them from paper, card, plywood as well as more traditional and longer lasting materials.

Latitude, Longitude and Time Zone

Before you start, you will need to know the Latitude and Longitude of the place you're making the dial for.

Map of Southern UK

You can use the Latitude and Longitude Finder to get those.

Cut-out-and-glue Templates

Cube Dial Template

Templates which can be printed and cut out, or glued on to MDF to make an accurate sundial for your location.

Craft Project

Two finished Armillary Dials

Make a beautiful sundial from a set of inexpensive embroidery hoops, large or small.

Sundial Equations and Calculator

Sundial Angles Diagram

An online calculator to work out the angles for a dial you want to design yourself, as well as all the equations you need.

Equation of Time Charts and Tables

Tables and charts for adjusting 'sundial time' to find 'clock time'. Royalty free images you can use in your own projects.

Equation of Time Chart

Sundial Technicalities

The home of more technical information to help you understand sundial creation, including details of spherical triangles.

spherical triangles diagram